Youth Peace & Leadership

Youth Peace & Leadership is a Registered Global Youth-Led Organization working for Youth Empowerment, Climate Change, Capacity Building, Peace Building, Cultural Dialogues and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Mission & Vision:

  • Our mission at the Youth Peace & Leadership Organization is to empower young people around the world through capacity building, peace building, cultural dialogues, and the promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are a global youth-led organization that believes in the power of young people to create positive change in their communities and beyond.
  • Our vision is a world where all young people have the tools, resources, and opportunities to realize their full potential and contribute to a more peaceful, just, and sustainable future. We envision a world where young people are active leaders and change-makers in their communities and are able to work together across cultures and borders to build a better world for all

Youth Ambassadors





Youth peace and leadership organization is a youth-led global organization. As a youth forum we aim to deliver advance opportunities, cross-cultural dialogues, global opportunities, entrepreneurial and awareness program to the youth. We has envisioned itself for a change in the world. It wishes to change the world to a larger extent. We believe power of the nations lies in the hands of it's youth. As an Executive Director, I believe to make an effective change in the society we need to empower our Youth, because I think youth have a power to change the world for better as our slogan says "Today's Youth, Tomorrow's Hope". Let's take an initiative together to bring a positive change in the world. Let's work for a better, sustainable and peaceful world.

Board Of Directors

Abdul Moiz

Elvana Shala

Ali Tahir Arain

Maria Auma Horne